Bonnie's Blog
Where She All Began
Fun fact, I was wearing masks and gloves pre-covid because why? I’m a hipster. No, really because I have been a maid for many years. Masks and gloves are a necessity in my line of passion, to protect our skin and lungs from harsh chemicals. I get dirty so others can be clean is… Read More »

Mental Health and Saving vs. Purging
This blog is going to be much like my cleaning method. We’re going to face the mess in order to clean it up. We will dig deep into the nitty gritty icky yucky then scrub, rinse, dry, polish and come out sparkling! Then all we’ll need moving forward is maintenance. But before you dive… Read More »

Marsfire Philosophy: Stale vs. Fresh Energy
Despite popular opinion, our homes are not a storage unit for our material possessions, but a protector of everything sentimental and valuable. At the top of that list, your family and of course, yourself. The space we call home, regardless of size, becomes our personal sanctuary and should reflect your aura, personality, and how… Read More »

Holiday Kitchen Purge
This year for Thanksgiving, my housemates and I chose to stay at home for the holidays instead of travel to or congregate with family. As heartbreaking as this new reality seems, it is imperative that we all work together to make the best of the situation. Homesickness in the air, we all decided to… Read More »